Frequently Asked Questions
I paid the Skate Canada fee in September. Do I have to pay it again?
There is an annual $58.65 Skate Canada Membership fee, which is valid for one year from Sept 1 to Aug 31. If you pay it in September you do not have to pay it again until next September.
Is the Skate Canada fee per person or per family?
The fee is per person, not per family.
My child is interested in hockey or ringette. Is CanSkate and PreCanskate geared only to figure skaters?
No. These programs provide a solid background for all ice sports, such as hockey, ringette, figure skating and speed skating.
Does my child have to have previous skating experience before signing up for CanSkate?
We recommend that any skater that has no previous experience to sign up in PreCanskate to start. The coaches will asses the skaters in the first session and decide if they belong in PreCanskate or CanSkate.
How old does my child need to be to start skating?
Skaters must be 3 in order to register for PreCanskate or CanSkate and they must be 4 to register for PrePowerskate or CanPowerskate.
My children have very different levels of skating experience. Can they all register for the same session?
All 6 levels of CanSkate are taught on the same session, so family members with different skating abilities can sign up for the same session and will be placed in different groups.
My child would like to register for CanPower. How do I know if they are ready?
In order to register for CanPowerskate your skater needs to be able to skate forwards, backwards and stop without help. If they are not able to do that yet they can register for PrePowerskate or Canskate.
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